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Dive Against Debris - Rutland Water

Dive Rutland 100% Project Aware

Our first Dive Against Debris nicely timed with Project AWARE week 2019! held at Sykes Lane, Rutland Water

Project AWARE is a not for profit organisation who are about taking action to create both local and global change for the ocean and the communities who depend on it.


But why Rutland Water its not an ocean?
Well at some point all waterways connect and the water runs into the Ocean. It is local and its great to do something for the community and when we are out and about collecting rubbish (yes Bridget rubbish not trash!) we always get asked what are we doing so, so its a chance to talk about rubbish, recycling and maybe using less of it... yesterday we reminisced about glass tomato ketchup bottles for those of us old enough to remember them...

Our area: Two 40m squares... one behind the beach area that is currently closed and the other to the right in what we know as our National Watersports Area
Question: What would we find? We seriously hoped nothing but freshwater grasses and fish

For the full blog see

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