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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Farol da Barra

22 September, 2012

Team Leader
Gerson Fernandino
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
2.2 kgs (measured)

-12.990911111111, -37.466194444444

Survey Information

Location Name
Farol da Barra
Organization/Dive Centre
22 September, 2012
Survey Duration
60 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: -12.990911111111
Longitude: -37.466194444444
Weather Conditions
Survey Depth Range
2–2.5 meters
Area Surveyed
200 m2
Dominant Substrate
rocky reef
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
plastic materials collected
Beverage Bottles: 2 Litres Or More (plastic) 5
Caps & Lids (plastic) 1
Cotton Bud Sticks 1
Fishing: Line 3
Food Wrappers (plastic) 7
Mesh Bags: Fruit/vegetable/shellfish 1
Pipes (plastic-PVC) 2
Plastic Fragments 66
glass materials collected
Jars-food (glass) 1
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 2
metal materials collected
Beverage Cans (aluminium) 5
Wire, Wire Mesh & Barbed Wire 2
Metal Fragments 6
rubber materials collected
Rubber Bands 1
cloth materials collected
Rope And String (cloth) 2
Cloth Fragments 10
paper materials collected
Paper, Cardboard Fragments 1
mixed materials collected
Clothing 4
Computer Equipment & Other Electronic Devices 1
other materials collected
plastic comb (related to offering to the sea godess) 1
adhesive tape 3
wooden icecream stick 1
plastic flower (possibly offering to the sea godess) 1

The origin of the marine litter pollution was identified as local, and the main sources were from tourism/recreation activities associated to the local commerce.

plastic fragments


beverage cans

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