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Us versus Them ?? !!

Us Versus Them?!

“Us” versus “Them”??

Dive Against Debris Blue Corner Dive

On October 26, 2018, we organized another fantastic reef Clean up at Project AWARE ADS 310 – Karang Sari. This site is allocated to our PADI Divemaster Program. As with previous reef clean ups, the competitive nature get the best of us all, and gets the reef cleaned!

For this month’s Competition it was US versus Them!!! The Us team was made up of the Blue Corner Dive Professional Team Rosie Dixon, Cody McDonald, myself and our special guest from Project AWARE Danna Moore, Director Global Operations. On the Them team was our PADI Divemaster Candidates Jody, Lucas, Sara, Kim and Oli. Briefings were completed by the Team Leaders Rosie Dixon and Myself and then the smack talk began! I believe the most enthusiastic talks were coming from Cody and Jody – lots of laughing to and from the dive site. Who knew cleaning garbage would have so much laughter..

The dive lasted for 45 mins with a range in depth from 5-20 meters and what a haul we received from the ocean!

Here is the break down

Us: 18.5 Kg, 252 items collected

Them: 14 kg, 202 items collected!

Clearly the winners for this round was Us!!! But as always with a healthy reef clean up today the reef was able to win and we made it safer for our marine life and divers today.

Well done everyone and special thanks for our PADI DM Program, Danna and Project AWARE.

Join us next month for 2 clean ups…. One with the PADI Instructor Development Candidates and one with the PADI Divemaster candidates!

Contact us at Blue Corner Dive for all our conservation and Dive Against Debris Activities!

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