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The Reef Rescue Network adopting dive sites at our Coral Nurseries.

Scuba Diver removing debris

The Reef Rescue Network is supporting Project AWARE's 'Adopt a Dive Site' scheme and will be choosing Coral Nurseries throughout our network to carry out monthly 'Dive Against Debris' surveys, reporting types and quantities of marine debris found underwater.This means these sites will not only benefit from corals being outplanted back onto the reef but now marine life will be protected from the harmful effects of marine debris.

The Reef Rescue Network is here to support coral restoration, including coral nursery establishment, maintenance, management, outplanting and monitoring and to coordinate efforts throughout The Bahamas (and beyond) to improve the science of coral restoration. Specifically, we assist with developing and implementing restoration, nursery site selection, harvesting coral from source populations, growing corals in nurseries, outplanting corals to reefs and monitoring the success of restoration at multiple scales from individual corals to ecosystem health. Our goal is to reverse the decline of corals reefs and realize that the most effective way to do this is to partner with local efforts to help them succeed. Adding Project AWARE's 'Adopt a Dive Site' scheme throughout our network of Coral Nurseries will now mean that we are not only helping the natural recovery of corals but keeping them protected from the damaging effects of marine debris. 

Our first Adopted Dive Site is 'Aurora', located on the Eastern side of New Providence in The Bahamas and our Reef Rescue Network Coordinator Hayley-Jo Carr will be managing the site. Hayley will be creating blogs for you to follow about the development of a new coral nursery at this site and documenting how the coral reef will be benefiting over time with corals being outplanted and debris removed. 

Thanks to the volunteers for our first Dive Against Debris at Aurora - Lily Haines, Shaun Osbourne, Lindy Knowles, Allison Ballester, Conan Murgatroyd, Scott Murgatroyd & Adam Richford. 

Images by Lily Haines.

To see our data collected from our first clean up at Aurora click the link below.

Coming soon 'Adopted Dive Sites' on Cat Island, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama and Andros!

If you are a business wanting to establish a coral nursery email [email protected]


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