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Project Aware arrives in Palau

Beautiful Rock Islands from above

Hey Boys and Girls,

finally the time has come...Project Aware made it to Palau!!

Palau is a tiny island nation in the west pacific ocean and well known amongst divers as one of the best places for scuba diving. You're guaranteed to see plenty of different sharks, manta rays, turtles, all sorts of schooling fish and an incredible amount of different hard and soft corals.

The government of Palau has realized already many years ago that there is much more money to make with their natural environment if it would be able to protect it long-term from the increasing amount of tourists per year. Besides many other conservation projects, Palau became the worlds first shark sanctuary in 2009.

I personally would like to do my part in preserving this beautiful nation by actively promoting the Project Aware foundation and their goals not only to my diving students, but also to all our guests that come here to enjoy the diving.

Many people are willing to help and would like to know more about ways to protect our giving short presentations in my diving courses and adding valueable information in my dive briefings about Project Aware I'm encouraging everybody to think about their behavior when it comes to protect the Oceans. There are so many ways what an individual can do to...the word just needs to spread!

Every student and every customer of Sam"s Tours will get the opportunity to donate to Project Aware if they wish to.

And that's just the beginning...I'm planning to organize several reef clean-ups and rock island beach clean-ups in the next months together with the Koror State Rangers and their team to make Palau an even better example how ocean conservation can be done!

Keep in touch, guys! :)

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