Role As A New Diver

"Let's do it for the benefit of our children"
Me and my wife were just recently finished our PADI Open Water Diver course. We were very thankful to our diving instructor, Macario Lopez, who not only share and thought us his skills, but also, he opened-up our eyes in what's currently happening now to the ocean. And from that moment, we have decided to participate in a way that we can help or support the Project Aware legacy.
Once I have discovered the Project Aware organization, out of curiousity and willingess to be a part of it. I talked to our team/batchmates to take time to read the necessary information and guidelines. Therefore, we can have a safe and successful "dive against debris" ocean clean up in a simple means that we can atleast also help like other divers do.
A heartwarming activity finding ourselves that those 12kgs of debris we have collected as a start-up. Somehow, help the community and setting as an example to conserve our ocean for the benefit of our children. Hoping that someday, my daughter and the next generation will see the beauty of the underwater world.
Thank you Project Aware, PADI, and to all concern Divers all out there. More power! Godbless you all!