Marie Pampoen Clean Up

Everyday on my walk to work there is a long stretch of beach known as Marie Pampoen which has a beautiful view of the ocean. Unfortunately this beach is used by locals & tourists everyday and is treated as a dumping ground for every type of trash you can imagine. After walking past the rubbish day after day i began thinking why don't people call the government, police, or waste management company to clean this up or make a complaint. That's when it hit me, how can i expect others to do something about it if i'm not willing to do something myself. I decided that these people who use this beach and dump their single use plastic bottles, bags, containers and wrappers on it have never been taught the damage it does. They have become so use to seeing these things that it is just part of life. This rubbish has become part of life for aquatic animals as well and they are dying at drastic rates because of plastic ingestion and entanglement. In the days following this epiphany I brought grocery bags to the beach and began to fill them with all the plastic bottles. There is no recycling bin on that beach or at most other beaches on this island so I carried them with me 15 minutes to my work where i know we have a recycling bin. I began doing that every day until the beach was clear of plastic bottles, after that i started to pick up other trash but the problem was there was just so much i didn't know what to take and what to leave. At first i could fill my project aware dive against debris bag in two minutes, now it take around ten. To me that's heaps of improvement but still not enough. Everyday more trash washes up and more is thrown out of cars. I find it very self fulfilling to clean up this trash as i feel like i'm doing my part but the problem is too big for any one person to solve it. It takes the whole community to fix these problems but one snowflake can lead to an avalanche, it just needs to land in the right spot. I hope my efforts can be the one snow flake because when i leave the island there will be no one to clean and the rubbish will claim the beach once more. This beach is one of many around the world that tries to show humanity what its dumping into the environment, we need to listen before its too late for us and for our children!