First Debris Free Thursday on Malapascua!

Thursday beach Clean-up , Thresher Shark divers and DMC,People and the sea Org. and Malapascua GoGreen with friends did it! Here are a few in action pictures and soon you will see more from the 18 bags of trash that we collected during this #diveagainstdebris beach clean up.
Malapascua beach clean-up:
this is what was found by our little team of #EcoWariors .
But once the bags were brought in, we still had to sort them out.
First Debris Free Thursday on Malapascua! Thanks to all the help from divers, tourists, local families and grade 5 school children. Debris Free Thursday was hosted by Thresher Shark Divers who generously provided drinks to all volunteers. 190Kg was collected of the streets in one hour by over 40 volunteers, 115kg was composed of glass, plastic bottles, cans (recyclable) and the rest was waste.
From 18 bags of trash, we were able to make 8 fully recyclable. Which means that 8 bags will not end up on the dump and won't become smoke. #recycle is the way! #aplasticocean #saynotoplastic#diveagainstdebris #projectaware #padiwomen #diving #buceomalapascua #malapascuabuceo #gogreenmalapascua #take3forthesea #beachcleanup
Thursday free debris under the organization of Dorianne Cuenoud and Walter Schmit wants to thanks to all those friends from all around the world( Brazil, Swizertland, Philippines , sweden,Germany & Spain ) who shared time in our beach and help to clean up at Malapascua and special thanks to Thresher shark Divers for hosting the first Thursdays debris free.
The collected trash is sent to Daanbantanyan where it will be resorted. See you next Thursday 4:30pm