Gasconade River Clean-up Challenge
The Gasconade River Clean-up Challenge is looking for volunteers that have canoes, kayaks, and boats to join a team on the Gasconade river, as well as citizens to walk the banks and clean up along the Gasconade River.
We are going to be getting sponsors and have prizes for the most trash, most unique piece of trash, and other prizes as well.
Scuba Divers are welcome as well.
Sign up sheets will be available at the Vienna Marine.
Share so we can make this a huge success and clean up our county at the same time.
This project is funded by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
So far the put in and take out locations are Bell Chute Conservation access, Paydown Conservation access, and Indian Ford access. We may add more locations at a later date.
More details will be posted as the event gets closer.