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All 4 Diving Indonesia - Dive Against Debris®

All 4 Diving Indonesia - Dive Againts Debris

One of the most popular dive site in Bali is Blue Lagoon at Padangbai area. This site is known as a training site for all kinds of diver training and also a very popular snorkeling site. It is located close to the local village and close to Padang Bai's harbour.

Over the years of diving this site we have seen and collected a lot of plastic debris that flush in from the nearest river especially during rainy season.

On the 11th of December, All 4 Diving Indonesia's dive team did head out to collect and report the debris we found on this site. Fishing line and floating plastic grocery bag is the most common debris we've collected. Some plastic fragments were burried in the sandy bottom. 

Some of our customers saw what we were doing and wanted to help straight away.

This is a good example of what divers can do and act as role models to others.

For the full report of out Dive Againts Debris you find it

Check out our blog at for the previous project and more.

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