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2nd survey of fish nursery: 7kg!

Filled with positive achievement when exiting, after collecting 7kg of marine debris!

Wow! Aqua Dive Paradise volunteers hauled out 7kg on 2nd survey of fish nursery: Coral Garden, Tulamben!

With a total number of 10 participants, that's an average of 700lbs worth of marine debris collected by every single volunteering certified diver! Incredible effort was dedicated to maintaining the beauty of the shallow Coral Garden reef, and the juveniles of many fish species in the north east coastline area are truly grateful to these 'rubbery' humans!

Particularly a swimming crab that was found caught inside a plastic food wrapper! It was only found upon returning to shore during the marine debris separation to organise the different materials. It was a bit of a shock, but a wonderful surprise to find the crab was alive and unharmed, so one of our volunteers released it back to its watery home in the Bali Sea! 

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