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Adobt A Dive Site Lake Bled, Slovenia


On August 9th,  the event Adopt A Dive Site #3 was organized on Bled lake.

Because with only 9 dives in my logbook I am still a beginner, I  have decided that no. 10 must be something special. 
And indeed it was! As I responded to the project AWARE which was organized by I managed to combine a technique training, first freshwater experience, meeting pleasant company and doing something good for the enviroment.

There were 4 divers at the scene this time, we divided the diving area on half for each pair of buddies and disappeared for next hour. Well, not exactly disappear because visibility was extremely good, so I had less difficulties spotting smaller (ang bigger) fish than  the garbage covered with sand itself.
We made some jokes with some swimmers, took a few photos and brought out 4 bags of trash … and so is our »pearl Bled« lighter for around 7 kilograms again!

Project AWARE Adopt A Dive Site is  a great experience, so I am planning for it to stay on my »to do list« every month.
What is more beautiful than to give the nature back a little piece of what she offers to us?!



9. avgusta se je odvijal že 3. Adopt A Dive Site na Bledu.

Ker sem začetnica s komaj 9 potopi, sem sklenila, da mora biti deseti nekaj posebnega. In res je bil – s tem, ko sem se odzvala na projekt AWARE v organizaciji, sem združila piljenje tehnike, pridobivanje prve sladkovodne izkušnje, bila v prijetni družbi in hkrati naredila nekaj dobrega za okolje.

Tokrat smo se zbrali štirje potapljači, si razdelili območje po parih in nato izginili vsak v svojo smer za naslednjo uro. No, ne ravno izginili, saj je bila vidljivost izredno dobra, zato so se male in velike ribe videle še bolje kot s peskom prekrite smeti. 
Ponagajali smo še kopalcem, naredili nekaj fotk in na plano privlekli 4 vreče … in tako je naš blejski biser lažji za približno 7 kg.

Projekt AWARE Adopt A Dive Site je bila super izkušnja, zato planiram, da bo vpisana v moj koledar vsak mesec.
Kaj je lepšega, kot vrniti naravi delček tega, kar ona nudi nam?!



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