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Divemaster Internship in Costa Rica

research marine science, divemaster internship Costa Rica

Looking where to do your divemaster Internship? Costa Rica is a great place to stay for 3 months especially if you love the ocean.  The Pacific is full of surprises and the marine life changes everyday. Now if your interest is in sharks, turtles and rays, this list makes this the place to be. Complete your internship with Project Aware specialties. We will teach you everything you need to know about these 3 magnificent creatures plus you will realize how they need our protection. Why they are endangered and how the human race is contributing to their decline.  We will try and help by actions, petitions and clean ups.  

Besides us teaching you we hope you will help us with sending the message to the local population.  Our ocean needs help and you can start!

Sign up now. for mor information [email protected]

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