The biggest issue is general negligence and an "out of sight, out of mind" approach to living by the waters edge.
A T shirt promoting a local political party!! Purposefully planted or lost during celebrations???
Burlap Sacks - partially buried in the sand whilst strands break off and tangle around coral!
Plastic grocery bags - floting free as 'food', wrapped around coral, and breaking down as a further pollutant!
Single use items - plastic cutlery and bottles. With a life span of up to 1000years, do we really need to use something for 10minutes and throw it away?? If there's no alternative Reuse it again and again!
Comments and Feedback
Every month we collect from the beach and reef and every month we collect an abundance of discarded trash. We don't do this for us, it's for the better of everyone that lives on this earth! Do your best to protect what we are blessed to be a part of.
From the My Ocean Community
My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.