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Making a Difference One Cert at a Time! It Matters Even More Now

Manta Palau

As a 100% Project AWARE Partner, it's easy to do my part to project our Ocean Planet.  For just doing my job, I am able to contribute a something to a cause I'm so passionate about.  I'm grateful for the opportunity and appreciative that it's easy and automatic. 

So how else can I make a difference if by default I'm already promoting the Project AWARE C-Card?  Well, in all my classes, I make sure talk about what Project AWARE is and the important work they are doing.  This work will be even more important in the upcoming years and our world continues to find a new balance from the effects of Climate Change.  I also challenge each student to take the Project AWARE pledge for the 10 Tips for Divers to Project Our Ocean Planet.  I hand out a Project AWARE brochure and ask them to take the pledge and sign up right there!  

In light of the recent events, we need to be even more vigilant for our Ocean Planet.  Therefore, I will be asking students to also do their part and contribute to Project AWARE and help us by getting involved with activities and other initiatives.

I challenge everyone to do the same (and more!) - make our voices heard on the matter of our Ocean and protect it for the next generation and generations to come!

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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