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Project Aware at Festival Laut 2016


On Sunday October 8, 2016 we brought Project Aware to the Festival Laut (Ocean Festival) event in Jakarta (see the event info at The Festival Laut is Greenpeace Indonesia's annual event to celebrate the ocean. The event was an awareness campaign and educational program for a cleaner, healthier ocean.

This year's theme was "I Love My Ocean" and focused the campaigns on three key issues: (i) marine debris, (ii) shark finning and (iii) overfishing.

Project Aware at Festival Laut

The one-day event was a great success despite some light rain. Our booth were busy campaigning the 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean, explaining the Ugly Journey of Our Trash, and inviting divers to support Project Aware's Diver4SharksNRays programs. We explained to the attending communities about the importance to protect our ocean for now and the future. At the event we also participated in the "Break Free From Plastic" campaign promoted by Greenpeace.

Hopefully through this awareness and educational event many people and communities getting more aware and understood the importance to protect our ocean. We gathered conservation messages from visitors and ask them to attach shark and marine debris stickers we prepared as sign of their commitment to participate in Project Aware actions in the future.

This is for now from Jakarta, Indonesia. Join us in our next Project Aware actions!


From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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