Diving for Debris at Ammunition Jetty

Wednesday 21/9/16 was time for another manta club night dive, this week the location being Ammo Jetty with the emphasis being on diving for debris. We were lucky enough to be joined by Alan Bartlett who was heading up the clean up effort. We weren’t looing at the regular kind of clean up removing vast amounts of fishing line etc as it was a night dive. This time we were just looking at grabbing any easy unattached items like bottles, cans, plastic and general discarded rubbish. We had 11 divers all up and it was looking perfect with no wind and low swell. The surface of the water barely had a ripple on it. After the briefing and a quick gear up we walked to the beach. Some started on the North side and some on the South. Although conditions were great initially the vis was terrible and less than 1m in places. As we got a little deeper it did improve to around 3m but still this was average at best. It didnt stop us seeing plenty of marine life though. There was loads of Seahorses in every colour you could imagine, Western Talma, nudibranchs, Port Jackson Shark, Smooth Boxfish, Cowfish and one giant Hermit Crab with a shell the size of a coke can! Towards the end of the jetty we found most of the rubbish there was bottles, jars, cans, plastic, shopping bags and loads of batteries just to name a few items. Once out of the fresh feeling 15 degrees water we all had a good chat and discarded all the rubbish which was nicely followed by Alans cookies! Overall a nice dive even though the vis was limited and we all did our bit to give it a bit of a spring clean down there. Great to meet and see a few new faces and i hope to see you soon on the coming weeks dives.