Lack of attention to loose items when jetty is in use. There is also a lot of twisted / rusted metal all around the jetty area, that will take a bigger operation to remove.
fishing wire - much life lives under the jetty luring fishermen, but the abandoned tangled line, causes more damage and offers an unfriendly habitat for the fish to continue using this area
twisted metal - discarded from variety of boats, making a rusted, toxic mess
paper napkins - blown away from a lunch on the dock, they're not free of toxins even if they may break down quicker than other debris
Comments and Feedback
Aside from our regular Dive Against Debris at our Adopted Dive Site, we aim to bring as much waste away from the reef and keep the beaches clean. Whilst we are aware that we are not the only ones that take this care, there seems to be so many more people that are much less mindful of their own waste management. With continual projects and promotion we all act as advocates of the sea. Thank you Project Aware for providing us with a platform for motivation! Follow our efforts at
From the My Ocean Community
My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.