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Fundraising - What to do when you hear crickets


You are passionate about ocean protection. You want to be a part of something bigger than yourself and raise money for your favorite charity. You are excited and motivated. You created a fundraising profile at and immediately post the link on your Facebook page in anticipation of the funds to flood in.

You hear that? The clank of cold hard cash!? No, it’s the sad sound of crickets because no one is sharing your excitement to fundraise (yet!). The silence is upsetting. What can you do to encourage support?

Personal Proof
First of all, you need to prove how much you care for the cause and make a public donation to your fundraiser. I know what you are thinking – “Isn’t it just enough I’m going to all this trouble and swimming to the moon and back (or whatever action you are taking to inspire support)? Yes, that is great and worthy of sponsorship but personally donating shows your commitment to the cause and sets the bar for the donations to come.

Speak from the Heart
Its all about you. Make sure your fundraising profile and related communications are heartfelt. It you are excited, convey that. If you are nervous, let people know about it so that you let your unique personality shine through. You are connecting to the people you know and care about the most and they want to hear from the real you. Stepping out and sharing why you are passionate will bring positively surprising results.

It’s a Campaign
Like any campaign, it’s ongoing for a set period of time and people know that. They know they have time to sponsor you so they may not jump on it right away or simply want time to think about how much they would like to give. With any successful campaign you need to think about your audience and communication strategy. Some people respond to letters in the mail, others like email. Some want the chance to speak face to face. What about text messages? Social media is a great follow up too. You might want to download your list of contacts or even have to input your contacts into a digital format to get organized. Decide if you will segment family into one category so you can mail them a personalized letter and then friends and colleagues into an email list. Create your message and get it out into the world and know that you will follow up at least once mid campaign and then a final push at the end.

Social Proof
Mention your personal donation in any communications and any other specific donors that have given to your fundraising campaign. You can post photos or simply tag your donors and thank them via social media to show your gratitude that you are receiving support. Others on the fence are bound to follow. Whenever you send a communication, post a photo or other content make sure you include the link to your fundraising profile to make it easy for your supporters to donate, you never know when the charitable mood will strike.

External Proof
Post some interesting facts on social media (or include them in your emails etc) about the organization you are supporting and mention why the cause is important to you. Include articles, videos, infographics and more that help acclaim the impact on the world. When people see you are backing a worthy cause they will be excited to join you.

Make it fun for you and your supporters. Are you running a marathon? Or swimming a new distance? Encourage donations and push yourself to beat your personal best time with a sweepstakes. You can offer a prize to the donor that guesses how long your run/swim/whatever action will take. Knowing that everyone will be taking an interest in your achievement will help you push yourself to do your best and make it more fun for everyone. Track your milestones and blog about it directly on your fundraising profile. You can email it out or post on social media, helping to raise more interest and funds. Perhaps you can even ask a friend to share your sweepstakes and in return you can share an event they are hosting.

Progress Reports
Report back to your donors and potential donors on how your fundraising is going and how your planning or training is progressing in the lead up to your action. Keeping track of any milestones isn’t just interesting for your supporters, it motivating to you. Give yourself a pat on the back when you make half of your fundraising goal and take stock to reenergize your efforts to meet and exceed your goals. Be sure to know if you have improved on your run time or how far you have come with whatever action you are taking. Be proud that you are learning and improving with every step you take. Your supporters want to know how their donation is helping you achieve your goal so take the opportunity to let them know and thank them. If you feel like you aren’t hitting your target, reach out and ask for help. People love to help where they can.

Businesses Boost
Do you have friends or family with businesses that would appreciate the opportunity for some positive publicity in return for supporting your fundraiser? Not only can you offer them a shout out and a branded thank you through your social networks but they can share your fundraising campaign and fundraising profile with their networks. Make sure to ask your donors if their employers have a donation match program, many companies will match donated funds dollar for dollar so you can double your impact.

It’s a Family Affair
Charity begins at home and fundraising together with family can be a wonderful bonding experience. You can rally your family to create a fundraising team and you all can support each other to make the most of your action. Do you have a family event coming up? Perhaps the big get together can be the launch or completion of the family fundraising campaign. A bit of friendly competition could go a long way for your cause.

Money Does Buy Happiness
Studies show that people who give to good causes are happier so don’t be afraid to ask and give your friends an opportunity to be happier than they would have been before they could support you and a great cause you are passionate about. They get to support you and a great cause – it’s a double win. Put yourself out there, fundraising is an amazing opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. We all enjoy contributing meaningfully and this is your chance to try something new and offer your loved ones new insight in a cause close to your heart.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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