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Blue Ocean Club ~ 2016 Dive Against Debris™ the 2nd hit at East Dam, Hong Kong


2016 Blue Ocean Club ~ 2016 Dive Against Debris™


Date                            : 26 June 2016, Sunday

Dive Site                   : East Dam, Sai Kung

Weather                     : Sunny

Air Temperature      : 35C

  1. Underwater Temperature: 22C

Number of Volunteers : 19 divers + 1 non-diver

Total Weight of Rubbish Collected :  65.1 kg


On Sunday 26 June 2016, Blue Ocean Club continues 2016 Dive Against Debris™ ~ the 2nd Hits” at East Dam near Sai Kung, Hong Kong with 19 voluntary Divers and 1 non-diver taking part. The clean-up teams received a briefing about safety and environmental issues and also about the local coral ecosystem before jumping in to start the clean-up.


The day was hot and sunny with good sea conditions and water temperature of 22°C. Over the course of two dives, the dive teams conducted a successful clean-up operation with 65.1kg of litter collected. The most common item of litter was abandoned fishing nets & drinking plastics bottles. The non-diver assisted in trash classification on board helping out protection of marine.


Due to limited manpower and time, some larger size of abandoned fishing nets were failed to remove, looking forward to do the clean up again next time !


藍海俱樂部 ~ 2016打擊海洋垃圾潛水計畫™


日期            :  2016626 (星期)

潛水地點        : 東壩、香港西貢

天氣            : 天晴

氣度            : 攝氏35

水溫            : 攝氏22

義工隊伍        : 19潛水員+ 1非潛水員

總垃圾重量       : 65.1公斤



當日天氣酷熱有陽光,水溫22度 。相關的工作人員下潛前向各義工隊員簡報了當地珊瑚生態系統並講解有關安全和環保資信。



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