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Christmas 2015


The last net removal of 2015 was a Christmas gift for the reef from the ‪‎Downbelow Team and was also to prepare for the New Year Asian style! 

Even during the busy season, the Dive Downbelow PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre team always finds time to support conservation because marine conservation is part of the dive lifestyle especially for our island staff team on Gaya Island. Our December Net Removal Team was joined by our Divemaster Interns Cristobal, Magdalena and our November IDC graduates Michael and Sarah. Resident PADI Platinum CourseDirector Richard is very passionate about Net Removal and he delivered a thorough briefing before the dive for the team’s safety. We used lift bags and carefully released the menace from the reef, cut free entangled creatures and brought the net to the surface. All that lift bag training during Divemaster and IDC paid off for the guys. It is hard work underwater but well worth the effort. They handled the nets with care to avoid their own entanglement while the boat crew safely hauled it up. A good dive briefing is very important as removing nets is tricky work and safety must come first!

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