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What diving has done for me cont.


In my last blog I mentioned when I stated diving and meeting new people, in this blog I want to cover how diving has changed me as a person. Up untill about 6 years ago, I was one of those people that goes 1000 miles per hour all day long never taking the time to enjoy the beauty of life and whats around me. When Susan and I go on vacation she likes to relax by laying on the beach and just slowing life down in general, me , on the other hand would lay for about 5 mins and then it was time to move on, I had to be constantly moving. It's the same at work , I still go 1000 miles per hour , but now I have more patient's with my co workers. I believe diving and being an instrutor  has taught me to be more patient and to slow down and enjoy life. I look forward to vacation time, and dive season in kansas.

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