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100 Days of Clean Up - Days 62 - 64


400kg - we made it!

On day 64 we hit another hundred mark, the fourth one meanwhile. Bevor this day we summed up to 396.7kg so there was not a lot missing anymore. Jona and Kim went on a camera testing mission and took the bags with them. After a 51 minute dive they surfaced happyly with 9.7kg of trash - another carpet (can't believe how that ends up here all the time) and a long pants for a very young child were the more curious objects they brought up. Everything else can be listed under the usual suspects: diapers, glass bottles, plastic fragments and food wrappers, just to mention a few.

Lets hope that it takes not too much time until we can hit the next mark, which was actually our goal after 100 days. It looks like we can make the 500kg happen before the end of the project on the 08. march.

Todays picture shows Kim in action (photo taken by Jona). The total amount of trash removed is 406.4kg


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