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100 Days of Clean Up - Days 25 - 31


the last week of the year 2015 was a really fruitfull one. In that time our happy helpers managed to fish out exactly 22kg of trash. Christmas Day was with 6kg our heaviest day :) sad to say that we are still fishing out a lots of batteries and countless food wrappers, especially coffee and coffeemate are high in rank here. While there is still a lots of old garbage, that is burried down there since a while, many fairly new items were pciked up over the last days too.

With the end of this month we reached about a third of our survey duration already. 230.3kg of cans, plastic bags, batteries, mops, daipers, bedsheets, toiletbrushes and rollerbrushes were in total removed since the 01. of December. Many thanks to all the helpers, guests and staff. The last picture for this year shows 5 of our guests and our manager Jona. On day 30 they removed 3.4kg during their 40 minute dive. (from left to right: Kean, Kee, Rachel, Jona, Cody and Ernest)

Wish you all a happy New Year 2016 and for our Team and Staff many more fruitfull Clean Ups. 

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