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Marine conservation: A new passion!


Groups of students from Camps International have found a new passion: marine conservation!

During their few days of camping at our paradise island beach house in the TAR marine park, the young adventurers’ learn the value of why our dive operations protect and preserve our local area.

There are plenty of benefits to the tourism industry, such as it’s a source of income and livelihood for many of our population in Sabah alone! Worldwide, 10% of the employed population work in the tourism industry, making it one of the most profitable. Tourism activities that focus on coral reefs (such as snorkeling and scuba diving) generates upto US$30 billion globally each year!

Such a figure could guarantee some measures of effective conservation practices could turn around the declining environmental health experienced worldwide. With every year, climate change becomes an even more serious issue – climate change and conservation being ‘two sides of the same coin’.

Positive change can be affected, and it’s our responsibility as professional divers to inspire our students and guests to believe it too when experiencing our unique educational programs: Expedition Borneo or ‘Coral for Life’.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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