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The fun side of marine conservation!


Adventurers’ of our recent Camps International groups experience the fun side of marine conservation at our premier PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre during their unique eduational program personalised by our Sabah Travel Centre just for them!

Camping for 4-5 nights at our paradise island beach house, the groups have the opportunity to qualify as PADI Open Water Divers, but also participate in other island activities, such as kayaking.

Via kayak is one of the most effective methods our island staff team have adopted in the efforts to collect marine debris.

Especially during the summer months, in Borneo, the monsoon season brings with it wind and rain that churns marine debris in our seas and oceans. On kayak, our PADI Divemaster ‘Work For a Career’ trainees find they collect so much more than other methods, such as bringing along mesh bags when snorkelling or scuba diving. And furthermore, usually marine debris will float to the surface and collect in sheltered coves and bays after a storm.

When our groups of Camps International visit, we are truly grateful for their volunteering assistance to protect and preserve the natural environment of our local area!

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