3 more days of diving for Cyclone Pam Debris
We have just completed another 3 days of diving to clear away some of the debris created by Cyclone Pam. In summary we picked up another 716 kg of debris during 19 collective hours of diving in 20 dives. Most of it was fibreglass - nearly half a tonne. Just shows that there is still a lot of debris down there. We dived just to the north of the area we cleared in the first part of the project, the area measured approximately 40,000 sq meters. The debris data is as follows: Metals: 60kg Wood: 133kg Fiberglass pieces: 458kg Other debris: 65kg We would like to say a big thank you to our volunteer instructors and divemasters - Russell, Mila and Mark for their efforts. There are still large areas we have not be able to clear but the funds have run out. We have appealed to other donors for more funds but will have to wait to see if anyone is prepared to assist us further. We cannot thank the team at Project Aware enough for their support of this project. Without their funding we would not have been able to remove nearly 13 tonnes of debris from the seafront in Port Vila and our marine creatures would still be living amongst the wreckage in our harbour.