The Great Barrier Reef is at risk
It is home to millions of different marine creatures – from tiny Nemo to giant Jaws! They live, breed, feed and raise their young in the shelter of its great corals. Corals that are in immediate danger from the coal industry.
The Australian government is propping up a dying coal industry operating in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef. It is supporting the building of the Carmichael mega-mine, and allowing the digging up of millions of tonnes of seafloor to expand the Abbot Point coal port in north-east Australia.
It's not just Nemo's home. It is also a livelihood for tens of thousands of people including scientists, tourism operators and fishermen. Millions of people snorkel and dive to experience the magic of the Reef every year.
Tragically, half of the coral on the Great Barrier Reef has been destroyed, and long time visitors are seeing that already. Help us turn the tide.
Two years ago, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee placed it under its watch, because of the multiple threats to the Reef. In June, UNESCO delegates will again discuss the Reef’s World Heritage status.
At the same time as they make promises to protect the Reef in their 'Reef 2050 plan', the Australian government has been aggressively promoting coal industry expansion, against UNESCO's advice.
We know the Reef is in danger. We know the government plan won’t protect the Reef.
Time is running out and UNESCO needs to hear the truth: we can have coal expansion or the Reef, not both.