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Presentation about Marine Debris & 100% Aware diver


It was a great time being with my good friends fro Lithuania and attend this nice presentation about beach clean up & 100 % aware diver .. the presentation focused on the following points :-

 1- How to be a good role model for our divers and teach them how important is to keep our ocean clean and safe our marine environment and set a good example for others when interacting with the environment – while underwater and on land  ..

2- Be a buoyancy expert and Always be aware of your body,dive gear and photo equipment to avoid contact with the natural environment .

3- Take only photos-leave only bubbles If you take a coral, shell or animal, you can disturb the delicate balance and add to the depletion of dive sites for future generations.

4- Become a debris activist , Remove and report what doesn’t belong underwater every time you dive.

5- Take action and share your underwater images, report environmental damage to authorities and campaign for change .

6- Give back and become 100% aware diver , Donate or fundraise for ocean protection to fuel the grassroots action and policy change necessary to ensure a clean, healthy ocean planet .

7- Project AWARE is unprofitable organisation and need our help along with our divers .. also the benifts of it and recognised every where on the diver's card ..

it was really great and thanks all for attending this special event and we all hope to do our best for clean ocean..

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