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Oriental Bay Beach & Underwater Clean Up


Once again our divers teamed up with Adventure Wellington for our annual clean up at Oriental Bay. An interesting area with a small jetty, a man made point and a Tugboat Restaurant moored up behind a breakwater.

We tackled the rocky breakwater & point pulling plastic bags, straws, bottles, parking tickets, cigarrette butts and other random items including golf balls and a tennis ball. We collected several rubbish bags from these areas.

At this point divers started surfacing with items they had found and most of the interest was directed along the jetty where we used ropes to haul items up and check for marine life that was then returned to the ocean. Mostly commonly found were cushion stars and chitons but 2 octopus were also found.

The first large item was a shopping trolley, closely followed by a wheelie bin, handicapped road sign, a road cone and 3 tyres. Divers also collected fishing line & sinkers, a phone, an old film camera, a teapot, sunglasses, bottles and cans, food wrappers, an old style outside ashtray and a lock box.

We had lots of fun despite the weather but there is still more to do.
Bring on 2016.

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