Underwater Clean Up around Balmoral Baths (Mosman)

Balmoral Beach, Australia
Dive 2000 are doing an underwater clean up on Saturday 19 September at Balmoral Baths. We should plan to be in the water between 10am and 10.30am so the general public can see us coming out of the water with all the junk so please arrive at the shop on time to pick up your gear and then go straight to Balmoral. If you don’t need to go via the shop please arrive at Balmoral from 9.30am to make it easier to save parking spots.
We would like as many people as possible to come and help make it a really successful clean up as Mosman Council
Please email your interest to the shop including:
Last time they dived
Certificate level
Day time contact details
Do they have their own gear
Car make, colour and rego
We would need the car make, colour and rego by the 5th of September at the latest to ensure we can arrange car parking stickers from the council. On the day look for where Liz has saved parking spots, if no spots are available make sure you get your parking sticker (from Liz at the dive site but check at the shop when you pick up your gear or air fill as we will try to leave them at the shop with the remainder brought to the site by the Dive Master.
It is good fun to do the clean-up and help improve our underwater world.