The Grand Turk Finathon!

Blue Water Divers welcomes you to join us on Sunday 7th June for a special fundraising and awareness event - The Grand Turk Finathon!
Grab your mask & fins and take part in the swim (you can even get friends and family to sponsor you) or get down to Governor's Beach for the BBQ at 3pm. Donations are welcome for the BBQ - please contact us if you are interested in this.
All funds raised will go towards Project AWARE's Sharks In Peril project. They are focused on banning the worldwide trade of shark fins - a trade which has decimated shark populations around the world. An estimated 100 million sharks are killed every year just for their fins - a practice which experts think will wipe out the entire shark population in 10 years. Take a look at this video.
Join the Facebook event here!
Support the Grand Turk Finners by donating here
We welcome your support and please get in contact with us should you wish to get involved!
See you in the sea soon!
The Blue Water Divers Crew
Blue Water Divers
Grand Turk
Turks & Caicos Islands
+1-649-946-2432 (phone & fax)
email: [email protected]
Facebook business page:
Blue Water Divers website: