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Shark Week: Snow Falls in New Zealand for Coldest Finathon on Record!

Community Actions

The start of Shark Week saw snow fall in Dunedin, New Zealand and divers brave seven degree water. A little snow didn’t stop people heading to the Dive Otago pool for this years’ Finathon! They hit the warmer water indoors to fight against shark finning for the second year.

“It was a fierce challenge between Team Dive Otago and my Team Tomahawk. Our team wanted raise awareness against the cruel practice of shark finning. We held our breath free diving in the pool for one minute for every ten dollars raised,” said Instructor, Chris Zinsli who successfully reached his 30 minute goal.

A huge congratulations to sisters Jade (9, left) and Erika (10) Fairweather who raised $100 for the cause and swam through a hoop 100 times for every dollar they raised.

''While the snow kept some at home a hardy few came into Dive Otago to complete their challenges. Staff were rocking out dance moves under water and dive students buddy breathed for 100 minutes - quite a feat! Students completed tasks and played games under water with ping pong balls and spoons, blowing balloons up underwater and filling a bag attached to a weight,” said organiser Emma Young.

With music, food and a photo booth to keep everyone entertained Dive Otago were featured on local TV and prove once again how much fun the Finathon is and that scuba divers are a sharks best friend.

All funds raised help Project AWARE:
- Fight to stop shark finning
- Insist on full protections for critically endangered sharks
- Negotiate stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks |  


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