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Live Every Week Like Shark Week

Project AWARE News

Shark Week, an annual ratings giant for the Discovery Channel every August, is already shaping up to be a shock-fest of new documentaries. But here at Project AWARE, we’re making shark protection a priority year-round so every week is Shark Week!

Why? The real scary truth is – sharks are vanishing faster than most people think. Mostly unmanaged around the world, sharks are overexploited through excessive fishing, bycatch and finning. And we need thriving shark populations to keep the ocean healthy. So even if you enjoy the shock and awe of popular television programming, here’s how you can live every week like its Shark Week too:

Dive In: Join the movement of thousands of divers and shark advocates who know sharks are worth more alive than dead. You’ll receive monthly action alerts including the latest in community actions and events to protect sharks and the ocean.

Support: Make a donation to support strong shark protection strategies and grassroots campaigns for change. Project AWARE and its partners have just secured historical and global protections for 5 of the world’s most vulnerable sharks and rays. But we need your help to keep fighting.

Learn More: Take the AWARE Shark Conservation Course to learn more about the conservation status of sharks, threats contributing to their decline and how to engage in shark conservation every day.

Become a Shark Advocate: Help Project AWARE campaign for full protections for endangered shark and ray species with tactics like shark finning bans, enforceable management regulations and marine parks.

Thank you for being some of shark’s biggest fans all year!


From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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