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Throwing a Lifeline for 11 Shark and Ray Species

Project AWARE News

If you’ve supported our work, signed our shark petition or rallied shark support in your community – then this message is for you. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Last Friday, we were thrilled to see the CITES listing proposal announcement. As of now, we know that 38 countries have thrown a lifeline to 11 shark and ray species to ensure international trade is legal and sustainable. These species are the ones you’ve helped us advocate for (and more): oceanic whitetip, three species of hammerheads, porbeagle shark, both manta rays, freshwater sawfish and also three species of freshwater rays. Australia proposed the uplisting of sawfish from Appendix II to Appendix I, thus closing the loop in banning international trade for all sawfish species.

We're grateful to each and every one of the proponent governments for their leadership. Credit is due to the 38 countries that are putting protecting sharks and rays from international trade front and center. But we're also saying thanks to you for supporting our tremendous work to secure these protections to date.

For over a year, Project AWARE has taken every meaningful opportunity to put CITES protections for sharks front and center on government agendas along with our partners the German Elasmobranch Society, Humane Society International (HSI), Shark Advocates International (SAI), Shark Trust, WildAid and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Together, we’ve participated in the public consultation processes, met with CITES representatives, and talked about international trade and sharks at every turn, including the IUCN World Conservation Congress and the 1st Meeting of the Signatories to the CMS MoU on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks this year.

Thank you again for your support on the long road to a CITES victory for sharks and rays at the next CITES meeting in Bangkok, March 2013. Stay tuned and we’ll be in touch with further opportunities to strengthen your support for vulnerable sharks and rays. 

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