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Buccaneers Diving does Dive Agains Debris at Mombasa Marine National Park

Mombasa, Kenya

Local scuba divers and Dive Centers will Dive Against Debris this 24-05-2014 at Mombasa Marine Park & Reserve. As part of Buccaneers commitment to protecting the ocean, trained divers not only remove underwater debris but also identify and document everything we seen underwater in a larger effort to prevent marine debris.


Marine debris – or our trash in the ocean – makes its way to our underwater environments by the ton.  Buccaneers along with divers around the world are demanding a permanent reduction in and prevention of the garbage we create that damages sensitive marine ecosystems - even in some of the most remote corners of the globe.

The plan is a double dive for debris between 3metres to 23metres. I hope to have a Wreck dive and Lagoon Coral garden dive clean up. Plastic bags are the biggest threat to our local marinelife.

Meeting point- Voyager & Whitesands Dive Bases. For more information please get in touch with the Dive Leader, Saeed Balala.

[email protected]


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