CROWD FUNDING- Investigation into what is killing the Caribbean Coral Reefs.
What is killing Caribbean corals? Help crowd fund the investigation into a devastating coral disease.
If we understand what is damaging coral reefs, we can save them. White band disease is responsible for destroying up to 95% of two threatened reef-building coral species in the Caribbean. In spite of the devastating effects of the disease, a pathogen has not been identified.
We aim to identify the cause of white band disease using infection experiments in order to develop methods of controlling disease outbreaks. These funds will allow us to go to Bocas del Toro, Panama and conduct a research trip. The trip will include experiments in the wet lab and collection of samples that will allow us to isolate a white band disease pathogen. The funds will cover our flights down to panama as well as housing and lab expenses while at STRI. Lab work will include preservation of coral samples at various time points over the course of infection with white band disease.
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