Losing weight for Project Aware
Gerard the owner of Scuba Nation has gone green and bought 2 days ago a Giant mountain bike using it now to go to work and do things in Sihanoukville. The hills are bigger then he thought but he will keep going. He will accomplice two things. He will get fitter and reduce his carbon footprint. He started his new life style just over a month ago and is feeling great. At the MIDE dive show in July he will donate USD 10 per kilogram he will lose to Project AWARE. At he moment he still too heavy for weighing scale but lost 2 inches at his waist, 3 round of his bum and 2 at chest level and 1.5 on his upper legs. Still a long way to go but he will get there. He is asking you to join and start feeling better and donate an amount per KG you lose to Project Aware.