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We Love Dolphines ! We Love Whales ! We care about Ocean !


55.72711, 37.441406

Hi Dear All !

 Dolphines and Whales are ouer Ocean Shepherds! Grow fishes and send  to the Ocean to ouer Friends Dolphins and Whales  !

Became an Ocean ! lesson

Dolphins will Save us ! Whales will teach us !

What we can do : Fish Farms

To graze Herring ,Tunas, Sardins, Salmon in Ocean fields.

all fishes are migrate and growing at deep water (100m). They can grow fast but we need to send them to migrate. we need Ocean Shepherds !

Ocean Shepherds are :Fish Shepherds -Dolphins , Orcas, Grindas, and others . Plancton Shepherds are Whales !

Whales - Ouer Future !!! Protect Whales ! Protect Dolphins !

On earth now is not an af Ocean Shepherds ! Planet need to fill Ocean by fishes and plancton ! Than Water became thicker and protect a land . First step to grow fishes and Send it to Ocean to Ocean Shepherds to grow !!

The Population of Herring, Sardins, Salmons,Tunas is decreases   ! Human can grow fishes and and send Ocean Shepherds ( Dolphins and Orcas and Pilot Whales ) to grow fishes until the population of fishes is became big an af for fishing !! ! choose your area . inform mass media !!!!!!!!!!

! travel if you could to area with friends and protect on place and work on place about Fish Farms with dolphins and whales !We need Good fishes send them to the ocean  To protect Them ! EveryOne is Important .

Dolphins and Whales are growing very slowly , gith baby only 1 and after 8 years life .! When they hunting they eat only 1 fish in time ! Human need more ! Carousel feeding refers to the hunting technique commonly employed by orcas,dolphins, whales

5.Its interactive action !

We need Your Help ! Please find any information about Seismology and Whales ! Bio Plancton and Whales ! How to grow Herring and where to by fishes to grow !

Also ! YOu could go on places and improve ouer idea to local fishermans to protect Ouer Ocean ! Save Everyone ! Everyone is Important !

Communicat using your heart beat and mind !

Please ! Also link and send information on  to I Love Ocean or Ocean!/DolphineSmile?v=wall

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