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Fin4Finning - Sponsored Fin-athon

Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom

52.882391, -2.15332

Get your fins on in protest against Shark Finning! Fin for Finning

Ask a diver what they would like to see more than anything during holiday dives and the majority would answer sharks, let’s make shark spotting a regular occurrence again, not just a miracle. Critical changes are called for and this is your chance to get involved! We need to educate our friends, family and colleagues and shout about the disastrous impact that humans are impinging on the oceans, before it’s too late for the sharks!  Get your fins on in campaign against shark finning!

Saturday July 9th 2011 - Blythe Bridge High School

Collectively, we will be aiming to swim 100 kilometres during the day of the 9th July.

Pool length 16.6m = 6,025 lengths in total.

So the more of us that take part, getting sponsorship and donations the better! However, it will still be hard work. Even if 50 of us take part that will still mean that we have to swim 120 lengths each so this is no easy task. If your children want to get involved, make sure you bring them along so that they can contribute some lengths too! No matter what you contribute, even if it’s just 10 sponsored lengths this will help the overall effort so please get your fins on and dive in!

Register your participation with [email protected] and I'll email a sponsorship form as well as a fact sheet for your friends and family. There is also a text number that you can get people to donate to directly. Text 70070 with the following message- Fins11£1 (for example if a £1 donation is given). Please keep a tally of the text donations so that we can work out the overall total raised. You can also donate, or ask people to donate at 

There is also a petition sheet for your sponsors to sign in order to keep pressure on the Members of European Parliament keeping Shark Finning at the forefront of legislative change. Every signature counts so please try and get as many signatures as possible.

What happens on the day?

Let Katy know what time you are available on Saturday 9th. We have use of the pool from 8.00am until 11.00pm so you can pretty much choose your time slot. There will be about four people in the pool at any one time so we need to schedule when people swim.

We will be involving as many of the local media as possible so please spread the word and come along prepared to have your photo taken if you want!  

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