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Milford Sound Trip


So over the last 8 years of my life I have been to Milford Sound countless times.....but Im always the skipper (or so it feels like).  Not this time, Labour weekend was a fun trip for some of the staff at Dive Otago and I got to get in the water in Milford for the first time in what feels like a lifetime.

In recent years I have put diver's on a particular site that they all come up raving about, but I had never been able to expereince.  All that change, I made sure that this was the first dive of the trip and it sure lived up to expectations.  

Descending down into amazing visiblity, even more amazing topography we saw everything from Black coral, snake stars, nudibranchs and crayfish to eagle rays, stargazers and ridiculosly huge blue moki.  To top it all off just after surfacing a whale surfaced pretty much right next to the boat - the dive couldn't have been much better.

Milford is such a beautiful place, and being that it is less accessible (no shore diving) it is kept in pretty good underwater condition.  Milford is my perfect paradise (if it wasn't for the welts I get from the sandflies!!)

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