Go PRO divers make like cleaner fish on a ‘Ghost Net’!

Finding a ‘Ghost Net’ at one of the beautiful dive sites in Tunku Abdul Rahman Park lit a spark of energy amongst our Go PRO divers to remove one of the most destructive forms of marine debris in our local environment!
Azhar is one of our committed local Go PRO interns who has completed his PADI dive education up to Rescue Diver and recently began his Divemaster course under the tutelage of our resident Platinum PADI Course Director Richard Swann.
It is a responsibility our team of PADI Instructors shares: a passion for protecting our marine environment! Our local Go PRO interns are instantly impressed with inspiration to follow in the footsteps of their colleagues.
The fishing net strangled several fish species, such as puffer, cat shark and parrotfish, along with various crustaceans, but since it has been removed efficiently in one morning dive, it won’t be able to continue its ‘ghost fishing’.
Experiencing the practical efforts of conservation will benefit Azhar and his peers so much to increase their own awareness of our local area and what prevention can be done!