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Friends for Sharks Promo Video & Fundraising Now Live!


It has been a busy and exciting weekend here at HQ! We have been working long hours with plenty of tea and homemade chocolate cake to keep us going. The result is we have launched our promo video online.


Please take a moment to watch our short video here.


You will get to know who we are and hear the essential facts of Friends for Sharks. It is all wrapped up in a 2:14 mins bundle of fun with some beautiful footage of a white shark we know and love; Ex-Sat. This is Nicholas’s favourite shark (and love of his life?!)


We have also launched our fundraising campaign this weekend and the details of that can be found here.


We are working hard to minimise costs wherever possible by using existing equipment and by undertaking voluntary work in return for food and board whenever we can on tour. However, there are costs associated with this exciting World Tour 2015, such as basic local transport, and we need your support! Please share our campaign with your friends and family and consider supporting us financially if you can. The beauty of this cause is that every penny donated is either being used by us to promote shark and marine conservation to audiences worldwide through our work or it is being donated by us to The Shark Trust and Project AWARE. There is no admin fee, no middle man and no profit or salary going to us. We are using our skills and voices every day to do this and hope you will help us along the way.

Thank you for supporting us and have a great weekend!

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