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Rescuing a Masking Crab!


I am always pleased to see our divers picking up rubbish as they go for a dive - we just wish that the rubbish wasn't there in the first place!

Some of our divers headed back out on the 5th of July with Sea Shepherd and did a clean up dive at Evan's Bay. They didn't find as much as last month which is good - mostly food wrappers and clothing items.

A group of divers joined me at Kau Bay yesterday for a fun dive around the point. As well as seeing lots of fish life around the reef including a butterfly perch and a baby seahorse we found a masking crab caught in some fishing line.

What I thought was going to be an easy job was a little more complicated with the line caught up around the 'shoulder' joints. Another diver came to help and we were eventually able to cut him free and let him go. A feel good moment!

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