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Another Discarded Net Removed From Our Ocean By Downbelow Team


A few days ago Downbelow found another ghostnet within Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. The net was still new when it was found and sitting down at the depth of 12m on the reef and  it was 80 meter long. When the Downbelow team went to retrieve the net, we found a Bar Tail Moray Eel already caught dead. Also trapped were parrot fishes, snappers and a host of others.

The important but tricky task of removing discarded fishing net caught in the reefs require care & commitment however our team of professional divers have done this multiple of times so they have the necessary skills and experienced to handle the situation. If you happen to find a discarded fishing net while you are diving please inform your dive operator or the local authority.

The ocean needs all the help it can and for this case, it took 5 of our guys to remove the threat and help to keep the ocean a little safer for our marine friends. As always, Downbelow is always on the lookout for any ghostnet in our beloved park and ready to remove them or any other marine debris any day.

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