Battling with marine debris, and happy to do it!
Our island staff team, from Course Director to local PADI Divemaster Trainee, work together during our very recent dive to remove a Ghost Net in Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, Borneo.
Such acts of marine conservation are necessary, but needs team work above all, and our island team most definitely possess the qualities to finish the job.
Sabah Park Rangers also joined the net removal dive and this offers a huge impact on public perception on the admirable team work between different groups and organisations striving for the same goals of preservation.
However, we must report the negative impact of these ghost nets despite its shock value, but this will inspire positivity.
A juvenile sea turtle was one of the marine life deaths caused by the net smothering the coral reef. Usually animals will be caught and strangled by the mesh of the net, and even if it manages to free itself it is traumatised and damaged physically to an extent they will probably not live for much longer even after escaping.
All divers, particularly professional divers, should carry a knife or scissors (which are even easier to use, particularly on fishing nets) and collect any marine debris they find underwater during any open water dive experience.
If you find something too complicated to remove between you and your buddy, report it to your local authorities and follow up with them after a period of time, to make sure the problem is solved!
Team work is always best, so make sure you check out our updates on the conservation we do at our beach house on Gaya Island!