Hi All
My name is Warren Ganser, I would like to ask you to join me and be part of my new project, a documentary titled “Shark Central”. To complete this project, I need your support.
Shark Central Indiegogo Project
I will be working with; Greg Vogt, an international award winning conservation tourism practitioner and conservation education ethicist, with whom I will be co-producing this documentary as part one of a series of documentaries highlighting ethical issues around the human animal conflict.
On the surface “Shark Central” highlights the drastic change in the behaviour of the Great White Shark in False Bay, Cape Town, however the bigger picture will focus specifically on conservation ethics, human animal conflict, and the most important factor: conserving and preserving biodiversity, in this instance the Great white shark.
What has caused this drastic change in the behaviour of the White Shark? There are many theories, but the one grabbing the attention in the local community as well as leading scientists from all over the world, is a feeling that Shark Cage Diving is responsible. Is this the case or is it an easy scapegoat? Shark Central examines the following questions:
- Shark Cage Diving is a massive revenue generator for the Western Cape. Has this factor influenced the scientific research in any way?
- Are the Cage diving operators properly regulated, or are there still illegal practices taking place?
- Has a viable balance been struck between the safety of the local population and at the same time conserving the Great White Shark.
- The Shark Cull in Western Australia, surely there is a better way to conserve an endangered species and protect ocean users, and how are these draconian measures affecting the delicate ecosystem.
I firmly believe it is a very important subject, and this story needs to be told.
If you have any questions, suggestions, ideas or any other feedback please contact me, I would love to hear from you. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope I can count on your support.
Warren Ganser