Belize 2014

Just returned from a group dive trip to Ambergris Caye and Ramon's Village. 16 fun and happy divers spent 7 days diving and enjoying the marine life. The dive staff at Ramon's Village is doing their best to cull the Lionfish population and at the end of the week, presented us with a bag of Lionfish fillets to share at our group dinner that night. The kitchen staff at El Fogon was happy to bread and cook the fillets and we all enjoyed tasting our catch. The entire time of was there, as I walked the beaches I kept thinking if I were there longer and with a little more staff and recourses, I would definitely do a couple Project AWARE beach clean-ups. Though during the dives I saw very little liter, and only retrieved 3 pieces of plastic during a night dive, the beaches, sadly were covered in plastic bottles and bags and various other types of liter, it was very sad. Hopefully the dive shops in the area will start to become more active with Project AWARE and start initiating beach clean-ups soon. All in all though, the trip was a success! Thank you Ramon's Village and the good people of Ambergris Caye.