Dreaming of the deep Blue Sea
Today is a wispy day in Madison, Wisconsin. Schools have been cancelled due to windchills of up to -50 degrees. Days like this make someone really crave the warmth of the sun and cool of the sea. Finding some ocean or any nature realted documentaries on Netflix and looking at old pictures is the only thing that will become close to being in the water for me right now. Although these documentaries and pictures are not something that can recreate or even substain the feeling of being in the ocean they can stimulate the mind of the thoughts and ideas. The problem is bigger than I have ever even thought about. Not just the death of the reefs, or the poor protection of the animals such as sharks, but its more than that. It goes as far as aqauriums to as little as using a plastic bag in the grocery store. Although an aquarium is a way to create education, interest in the ocean and other things the truth behind them is that they need work too. I myself love going to aquariums and seeing all the sea life that I love, but when it comes down to it it's just not fair. These animals do not deserve to be treated the way that they are and put through what they are. Think of yourself as a fish, a turtle, a dolphin really any marine life and put yourself in the situation that they are in. If you were taken out of your home where you are free to live how you want and go where you want and put into a small pool, nowhere to go, nothing to do, youre trapped. It's just not okay. The worst culprute to date is Sea World and Swimming with the Dolphins. What they put their animals through is not okay, and needs to be fixed. We need to find ways to accomdate and make things better in the world of the oceans. In every way we can possible. Speaking up is the first way to start! Speaking for the animals, one person at a time.