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First Dive Against Debris


Today was the first day of winter in New England, even so, four of our wonderful divers ventured into the cold waters off of Marblehead today to do a dive and remove anything they could find that didn't belong in the ocean.  Mike M., Jim K., Mike F. and Geoff G. dove at Chandler Hovey Park in Marblehead today in 25 to 30 feet of water that ranged in temperature from 41 to 37 degrees for roughly 45 minutes.  The water condition was flat/calm and the visibility was nice, with a slight current running south to north.  They were able to retrieve several items that didn't belong including a hinge from a lobster pot and a BCD weight pocket with 8# of soft weights inside.  They did come upon a length of rope that, though they would have liked to remove it, had already become part of a habitat for a large lobster.  All in all, it was a good day to be in the waters in Massachusetts and a great day for cleaning up the ocean!  A very big Thanks to Mike, Jim, Mike and Geoff for braving the cold water and making this dive a Dive Against Debris!!! 

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